- Legendary, Mega or Common Raids with guaranteed catch rate on your account;
- Candies for lots of pokémon like Magikarp, Rhyhorn, Charmander, Froakie, etc;
- Rare Candies;
- Capture of regional pokémon like Heracross, Relicanth, Mr. Mime, Klefki, etc;
- Capture of 100% IV pokémon into your account (for level 30+ players);
- Capture of 2500 CP+ pokémon into your account (for level 30+ players);
- Capture of UNOWN and DITTO into your account;
- Finishing field and special researches into your account;
- Fill your bag with pokéstop items;
- Fill your bag with specific items, like Ultra Balls, Pinap Berries, Golden Razz Berries, etc;
- Defeat Team Rocket Grunts and Leaders for you to get 12km Eggs;
- Hatch all of your Eggs;
- Hatch your eggs and fill your bag with 12km Eggs;
- Sale of Common, Rare, Legendary and Shiny pokémon;
* If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me! *
Link to my store: