VIP 21 Kraken | 22x Paragon 4 Units, 291,000 Gems, Rank 1 All, 1500 Pul
12 hours
Preis pro Einheit
$ 38.95

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Go to the link below to see more photos


imgaur. com/a/afk-journey-2-18Aro4217qtw


The reason why the account is cheap is because the value of the currency in our country is worthless


Go to the link below to see more photos


imgaur. com/a/afk-journey-2-18Aro4217qtw


Info of Account

Server G-200+ Very active and highly populated! VIP 1 1262 Dragon Crystals Today selling a VERY SPECIAL account on a high new G-200 + Server, with top up history and receipts provided for your safety and a fully unlinked email account, you will get full access to the farlight and password and can immediately link your own main and personal email to the account fully safe. This account is a top 1 ranking in the entire server and district across every single content, PvP, Supreme PvP and Dream Realm - This account is one of a kind on these servers. PvP Arena : Rank 1 2214 Supreme Arena : Rank 1-2 ( depending if you get sniped last minute or not - but unlikely ) Dream Realm - All server and district ranking is rank 1-2 consistently. Always. Max Tower AFK Stage 2083 Paragon 4 units: x22 Lily May Talene Dionale Phraestro Smokey Shakir Hakar Ludovic Caroline Vala Tasi Hewynn Koko Thoran Viperian Damian Eironn Oddie Silvania Korin Marilee Paragon 3 Units: 4x Paragon 2 Units: 4x Paragon 1 Units: 4x Others S+